Child Therapist in Santa Clarita, CA

Child Therapist in Santa Clarita, CA

Christian Counselor Robin Martin, LPCC, provides  counseling for kids, teens, and families struggling with anxiety, anger management, autism,    through play therapy, art therapy techniques, CBT, and DBT in Santa Clarita, CA.

Child Therapist for ADHD, Autism Spectrum IEPS and more in Santa Clarita, CA

You worry about your kid so much; the extreme moods, the harsh words, the meltdowns. You’re exhausted. Your home is filled with arguing and tension.. You hate to admit it but you feel embarrassed and to blame. The anxiety causes them to do things you don’t know how to handle. They’re so different from the other kids. When the phone rings you’re afraid it’s the school calling again. This is a whole new type of parenting and you know you need help. 

You Have Found the help your child needs

Hello! I am Robin Martin, a therapist who specializes in working with children that show emotional sensitivity, ADHD characteristics, Autism, school behaviors and IEPs..  Kids who work with me begin to be able to control their emotions and use their words to express themselves. I help parents and kids learn skills for managing their emotions through playing with games and toys and being creative. Kids love to come to therapy with me. We have a connection so they are relaxed and able to learn and grow. We learn skills and have a plan so your kid doesn’t have to be in therapy forever. The kids that see me know they can share things because I am not going to get my feelings hurt. This relieves tension at home, which means your life is better! 

Relief and Confidence are a phone call away

Anger and meltdowns don’t have to control your life. Contact me for a FREE 15 minute consultation at 661 670-6157 or or click below to discover how therapy with a plan and the right therapist can help you build new hopes and dreams for your child. 


I’d love to help you. Click here to schedule your free 15- minute phone consultation for child, teen, and young adult counseling. My other specialties Anxiety, ADHD, Autism, Anger, & Trauma.

Frequently Asked Questions About Child counseling in Santa Clarita, California


  • Any age is appropriate to see a child counselor. If the issue is affecting functioning in life then it’s time to see a child therapist. Are there things you cannot do with your child and family because of the child’s behavior? Is the child harming himself or others? Are there developmental milestones that are not being met? Has your child expressed extreme sadness? Or has their behavior suddenly changd uncharacteristically?

  • Everyone needs help at times in their life. A child counselor in Santa Clarita can hlep your child with those big emotions. Usually, kids know they need help even if they can’t vocalize it. When parents get kids the help they need they are communicating , “You are worth protectiing and providing for.”

  • Studies show that just one counseling session can be effective with a child therapist. I am a child therapist who uses outcome measures to provide data on how your child is doing. Parents can have the confidence that they can check in with me on a regular basis.

It is time to call and get help. You’ve waited long enough.